About the storage facility: Etzel Gas-Lager
The facility at Etzel near Friedeburg consists of 19 salt caverns in which natural gas is stored at high pressure at over a thousand metres below the earth’s surface.
The caverns are cylindrical cavities that have been leached out in the underground salt formation. They are oil and gas-tight. The average cavern is around 620 metres deep, 35 metes in diameter, and has a geometric volume of around 580,000 cubic metres.
In the past, natural gas storage facilities have predominantly been used to compensate for seasonal fluctuations in demand. Today, however, they are also used as a flexible means of optimising supply, as a reserve in the event of supply problems, and on an hourly basis to counterbalance surpluses and shortfalls.
ISO certification
Equinor Storage Deutschland is certified according to ISO 50 001:2018 standard.